Project information



User & stakeholder research

Designit for Health Plan Services (HPS)

Journey Mapping

6 months

Workshop faciliatation

Identify opportunities

Service Design

UI/UX Design

The Challenge: Enhancing Healthcare Journeys for Members and Carriers

In collaboration with HealthPlan Services (HPS), a significant player in individual health insurance, Designit faced the challenge of refining existing offerings while strategically extending their services. The objective was to create an improved experience not only for members but also for insurance carriers, addressing current pain points and laying the groundwork for future service expansion.

The Solution: Human-Centric Insights Driving Design Innovation

Our approach involved extensive research, engaging internal teams, insurance carriers, and individual health insurance members. Through in-depth exploration, we captured the motivations and pain points of members, shaping insights, personas, and a comprehensive member journey analysis. Building on these foundations, we defined design principles, conceptualized strategic solutions, and delivered key features and screens. The result was an enhanced member experience, providing intuitive transparency in monthly payments, seamless carrier integrations, and strategic directions to fill critical gaps in the member experience beyond HPS’s current offerings.

stakeholders interviews
subject matters experts
insurance members

As part of our research we interviewed 15 stakeholders, 15 subject matters experts and 30 insurance members. The research findings were captured in personas representing the different members’ behaviors and in a current state journey map.

From the ideas generated during the ideation workshop, and our internal brainstorm sessions, we developed 17 Future Ideas with accompanying scenarios and the value exchange for users/carrier/HPS.

During this project I had the opportunity to participate in all steps of the design process, from research to final concept delivery and presentation. I worked within the team defining strategic directions and future experiences as well as creating wireframes for the future of the payment experience.